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The amount shown as TSRP is for information purposes only and is the Manufacturer’s Total Suggested Retail Price. This amount is not an advertised or final selling price. Prices do not include dealer added equipment, final sales price, additional fees and costs of closing, including government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer pre-delivery fees, any emissions testing fees or other fees. All prices, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice. Contact dealer for most current information. “All vehicles subject to prior sale.” Prices do not include $998.50 dealer pre-delivery fee and Pricing does not include the Miracle Advantage and Appearance Protection Package of $1995. TSRP contains base TSRP, any factory installed options, and delivery, processing and handling charges. While great effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on this site. Vehicle information including price, options, color, miles, and equipment are subject to human error, decoding inconsistencies, or third party processing errors. Errors do occur so please verify the accuracy of all information with a customer service representative. This is easily done by calling us at 863-956-1123 or by visiting us at the dealership. Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. (TMS) is pleased to provide dealers the opportunity to convey the above information. When reviewing a Toyota dealer’s inventory, please note that all information, including but not limited to pricing and vehicle status, is provided by and is the sole responsibility of that dealer. As such, TMS is relying on the dealer to ensure the continued accuracy of the information provided. Any questions or concerns should be addressed with the applicable dealer. TMS disclaims all liability for any inaccuracies.